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Mesa Elementary

Leah decided she would like to go to Mesa Elementary for her one and a half months of school before going to Belgium. She can walk there from our new sublet and will get a chance to find playmates in the 'hood. Mesa ranks 12th out of 900 elementary schools in Colorado (Flatirons ranked a respectable 142nd).

She's very excited, especially for the Mesa summer reading program. Every month over the summer the student sets a reading goal for the month. Leah decided between now and 7/26 she'll read 400 pages (should be easy with the new Harry Potter coming out on the 21st). If she meets her goal she gets to attend an Ice Cream Social on the evening of the 26th. Then it starts again for August - very cool.


Mimi said…
nice looking school.
robbin said…
Very cool. Have you moved into the sublet yet?