Warning- beer post. If you're not into fancy beer this will be boring.
Tonight we attended the realease party of the Avery Brewing Brabant
Ale. So now Brabant is a beer as well as a territory in the European
lowlands and a draft horse.
We bought six Brabants; five for the cellar and one to taste. A great
with-food beer, maybe wild game or hearty soup. It is somewhat sour,
dark as night, and smells of the oak wine barrels in which it was
aged. The flavor was almost herby- like tarragon. It wasn't fruity and
syrupy like alot of 8-9% dark ales I've had. The head was carmel
colored and not super creamy. But it wasn't fizzy either and stuck
around for the whole drink. It could be rejuvenated with swirling.
Thanks Adam Avery et al for bringing great beer culture to Boulder.
See you at the Strong Ale Fest next weekend!