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Showing posts from October, 2017

A New Place

Life changes you every day.  Sometimes it happens in little ways and other times it is so big, so sudden, that your “before” life becomes a distant and forever-gone place.  This year I have watched the lives of my family become instantly changed. William Baker was born in 1943 to Al and Helen Baker.  He grew up in San Leandro and went to UC Berkeley where he met his wife, Margaret.  They were married in 1966 and celebrated 50 years together with family and friends in April 2016.  One year and one day later William passed away suddenly at a hot springs near Silver City, New Mexico.  He and his bride had been traveling the Southwest, as they had been often known to do in retirement. Bill and Margaret had just that weekend watched Jon win all five stages of the Tour of the Gila. I received the news of Bill’s death while down in Mexico, where Axel and I were staying while he finished up his fifth grade classes at Instituto Juan de Ugarte.  We lef...