It is snowing in Boulder today, a sloppy, wishy-washy, rainy snow. My lawn is so green now it looks like it belongs in the Pacific Northwest. Today would be an excellent day to go to hot yoga, except today coincides with the end of fiscal April. Deliverables must be delivered and my computer will not cooperate well enough to allow me to finish my work. Maybe she just enjoys my company, but it seems every task I try to accomplish is met with the utmost resistance. She musters all 4 gigs of her RAM to spite me.
Okay, yes, this is day 3 of the "configure the new work machine" marathon and the result is cpu anthropomorphism. We've simply spent too much time together. I think Jon is sick of seeing me in my pj's banging away at the keyboard, but what's a girl to do? Surely not work the weekend! This weekend I resolve to shutdown this machine and hide it in a drawer. I will do yoga, I will go to my writer's meet-up, I will work on my novel. I will communicate with real people, in person.
What's that, computer? You need me? You're ready for your SQL Server 2008 install? Ok, folks, duty calls. If no one can find me this evening, check circuits of my new computer, we may have become permanently melded.