There are lots of loose puppers in La Paz, which seems sad, but at least they all seem pretty well fed and healthy. Besides strays, we also see a lot of yard dogs, cats, and other animals.
This yard dog has the dreaded cone. He's better now, though. We lived down the street from him when we were still on Calle Francisco Madero.
We found this kitty on a walk home from dinner.
This is our kitty.
These dogs live on the roof of the convenience store (these stores are called mini-supers here and are on almost every corner). These roof dogs are very cute and playful and they never barked at me. They did, however, scare the living daylights out of anyone who walked by with his/her dog.
More loose kitteh.
Pajarito visiting us at dinner.
These pups were just chillin outside the grocery store.
This one came to my beach blanket to say hi.
He was very cute.