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Easter Morning

This morning we had Easter festivities with the family (plus one plumber checking a possible gas leak, but he was from "Brother's Plumbing" so I guess he was like family). Tonight we are going to Aunt Elisabeth's for Easter supper and good times with my little cousins, Emma and Arthur.

Leah went on a clue hunt to find their baskets while Axel napped. The moment the baskets were found, he woke up. Must be his kid-sense kicking in. Axel got an orange rubbery toy, Leah got a chocolate bunny and some Easter-y themed pencils, pens, stickers, etc.

Leah ate this pancake, even though it looked a little bunny.

The duckling was actually part of Leah's basket, but Axel commandeered it. His MO? Once he drools on it, it's his!
