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The Euro-Donkey Connection and Stolen Lollies

For some reason we come to Europe, then the donkeys come to us. Those of you that follow the blog may remember the Wine, Donkeys, and Hammer Pants post from our final days here last time. This time, the trio of donkeys live outside our patio and are accompanied by 3 sheep and an apparently domesticated deer. Marc, the proprietor, promised to teach Leah how to saddle up Abraham (the white donkey) so she can go for rides. Kid heaven.

Leah is learning to not keep her lollipops from Zuiker (hand-made candy shop here) on her bed because Axel can climb up and get them.


Mimi said…
She's been to Zuiker already? I want to see pics when Leah rides the donkey. What fun. Did the suitcases come?
Pooks said…
No bags. We went to Zuiker because it is (as you may remember) near the electronics shop and we had to go buy more adapters because all of them were in the suitcases.

Funny story actually at the electronics shop. I asked for U.S. --> Europe adapters and she tried to sell me the deluxe 10 euro rip off model. I said do you have smaller? She said no. I said last year you had some and kept them in a canister behind the counter. Then she found them- I bought 3 and it was still less than 10 euros.