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Missing Bike Update

The Short Version: They're still gone.

The Long Version: Today Jon is going to contact his sponsor to see if they can send him another bike. Tomorrow the local bike shops will be open (gesloten on Mondays) and Jon can rent a road bike for training.


Kat said…
My Dad used to work for the airlines (not United) and had some suggestions. He says it should be fairly easy to track the bags...Here's what he said "The bike bag/boxes were tagged with a computer bar code at the counter and then should have been recorded at planeside. It should be a very simple process to determine where the boxes were last seen. The usual routing on United from DEN is through Dulles, so if they were trans-loaded to an international flight at Dulles, the TSA requires a positive bag match so United is required to have confirmed the bikes were on the flight."

If United isn't cooperating, my dad's recommendation is to tell United you are going to go to the media. Poor public relations are what really hurts the airlines. So if you suggest you are going to tell the Denver Post and Daily Camera about the story of the cyclist who moved his family to Europe to race but couldn't because United lost his bike, you might be able to get somewhere. Hope that helps and hope Jon is racing on his bike soon.

Mimi said…
I was going to ask if United has given up and is asking you to file the long print out mail in form with ticket copies and receipts? But also we are skeptical that such big items could be lost. Do thieves just rip off the baggage tags?